Lower Your Air Conditioning Bill: Here Are 5 Ways | Wesco Oil

How To Lower Your Air Conditioning Bill

lower a/c bill rhode island

Five no-sweat ways to save money!

Turns out the Old Farmer’s Almanac was right. The summer here in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts has been hotter than normal.

That means keeping your home cool and comfortable can be more costly.

But your air conditioning bills don’t have to break the bank! We have five ways you can save on energy costs without having to sacrifice any comfort.

Have your air conditioning serviced

An annual maintenance tune-up can save you money in more than one way. First, a well-maintained A/C system runs at its peak efficiency, meaning it’s using the least amount of energy possible to keep your home cool.

The tune-up gives our service technicians an opportunity to spot and fix small problems that can impact your air conditioning’s efficiency as well as potentially causing breakdowns. Regular professional maintenance may also help keep your air conditioning system’s warranty in effect.

If your home’s air conditioning system has not had its annual tune-up this year, don’t waste any more time! Contact us today to schedule it.

Program your thermostat correctly

The United States Department of Energy offers some guidance on how to set and program your thermostat for more efficient cooling.

When you’re home and awake, set the air conditioning to 78°F. That allows you to be cooler without being too cold and using too much energy.

Increase the air conditioner setting to 85˚ during the hours you’re out of the house.

When you increase the thermostat temperature by 7˚ to 10˚ for eight hours a day, you can save 10% on your cooling costs!

If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, they’re affordable and available at home improvement stores.

Change the filter

A dirty filter means your air conditioning has to work harder. Check your filter once a month and replace as needed. You can lower your cooling costs by up to 15%!

Another benefit is that less dust will get into your cooling system, which can create more wear on the equipment. Changing the filter can help the A/C system last longer.

Give the A/C room

This applies both indoors and out.

Indoors, make sure vents bringing the cooled air into your rooms aren’t obstructed by curtains, furniture, or other objects. Blocked or obstructed vents force the air conditioning to cycle on more often, adding to your energy costs.

Outside, make sure your condenser has at least three feet of clear space around it. Trim back shrubs or other plants within that space. And while you’re at it, clear away any debris like leaves, twigs, and grass clippings.

Use fans

You may be thinking, “Why do I need fans? That’s what the A/C is for!” Ceiling fans set at counterclockwise push air downward, keeping the cooled air down where it belongs. Also, circulated air feels cooler, so you won’t have to set as low a temperature to be comfortable.

Contact us for all your home’s air conditioning needs!